It is time to carve your unique path and trust in your purpose.

You know you are meant to BE more, DO more, HAVE more. You want your life to feel expansive and more … you. (even if you aren’t sure what that means)

Imagine living from a place of passion & purpose, magic & alignment.

In real life, those big intangible, hopeful words look like…
• letting go of other people’s judgement
• clearly knowing what you want for yourself and your life
• living playfully and joyfully (and things still get done)
• no longer doubting every step or choice
• being guided by something bigger than yourself
• trusting in your path and feeling comfortable with surrendering to it’s surprises
• more resilient, innovative, and creative


Working 1-on-1 with me we will uncover what it is you really, I mean REALLY, want out of this one life.

We will set to work making it happen in a way that feels natural, purposeful, creative, soulful and intuitively guided toward something beyond what you or I can even imagine. I have a pretty big imagination so that is saying something!


I see you! I was you…

I’m Jane, a recovering over-thinker, secret dreamer, big-time doubter. I felt that tug, heard that soul call, and still thought all those big dreams were for other people. I failed* at so many things that I no longer knew what dream I wanted to follow.

I believed in a supporting universe and wanted to do some powerful manifesting, get really good at visualizing, and create an epic life. I thought I wanted what others had but my passion would fizzle, my belief got real murky, and I visualized things that felt “meh”.

I wanted someone to just tell me WHAT to do with my life, what to dream, and what I could believe in. I finally gave up trying to THINK of a dream. Instead, I opened myself up to find my soul’s dream.

That is when everything changed… I went from doubt and frustration to trust and resilience. It isn’t all crystal clear, A to B with no failures, but life feels more like an adventure that I get to co-create.

* failures that I can see now lead me here


The details

My approach to coaching pulls on the tools we all have built into our being. Many of which we have forgotten, stopped utilizing (for one reason or another), or were never taught to access.

• I use my training as a certified Life Coach to pull out the right questions for us to explore more deeply what it is you dream, what feels best in your soul, and how you want to create your world.

• I teach and use your own intuitive access as your guiding light to find breakthroughs, heal emotional wounds, and uncover subconscious blocks that stop you from moving forward.

• I use art and creativity to access and express the emotions and thoughts that keep us in our comfortable loop of confusion and overwhelm - clearing the way for insight, clarity and confidence. (This is the piece my clients find to be the most fun and profound.)

• We don’t just sift through the mental and emotional parts, or play with intuition. You take big bold, aligned, action with support and accountability.

This is the magic part…
When you do all the inner work, clearing out, tuning in, and looking in the right direction, the dream and the actions become clear and so much easier.


Your purpose is on the other side of doubt.

A Soul on fire coaching series includes :

12 weeks of accountability, training and support (from me and your soul support team)

Email access for all your ups and downs, or questions on challenges or assignments to get you further in between coaching calls

Monthly exercises for integrating and stepping into empowered action on your exploration and action path



Let’s connect for a free consult call

I offer a free 45 minute consult call that gets us to the heart of what you need and how I can help. I have you fill out a simple questionnaire before our call so we can get right to it. Clients have left a free consult with clarity on a goal, better understanding of their needs, and greater confidence in their own guidance.

And that is just the freebie! Imagine what a whole series does.

Clients have said…


“I came to coaching because I felt blocked. When I saw she used art to get to the heart of things, it triggered something inside and I felt that this was what I needed. Jane truly listens, and is full of good, practical ways to face my demons. Using those tools, I found a way to break through the places I couldn’t break through before on my own. I am so strong and confident now, comfy in my own skin, peaceful and at ease. She showed me that healing is possible and that I am worth the battle. I can trust myself, and prioritize my own well-being.”

- Krista B

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“I came to coaching with Jane with a desire to discover who I really am during a turbulent time in my life. I was seeking my own voice and desired to be living in truth. Through my coaching series with Jane I found creative ways to deal with feelings and my experiences in order to express and see the truth in them. I was surprised at how much my life changed from the outside in. I can hear my voice again. I am amazed at how free I feel. Free from other's opinions and my own negative self-talk and free to pursue, explore, and create.”
- Heather K.

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“Working with Jane felt like having coffee with a genuine and warm friend. She offers just the right amount of structure into our sessions that allowed my own insights to come out. Her process was intriguing and something completely different than any approach I’ve tried in the past. Working with her allowed me to commit to my goals and accelerate my growth.” 

Lisa B.


“I got so much done, it all seemed effortless, and I loved the process so much. I have allowed myself to start dreaming bigger dreams and I’m seriously considering a career move to life coaching and learning to use art as a tool to process mood and energy because of this experience. Something magical shifted in me, my energy level increased ten-fold, I learned invaluable tools and I can’t wait to see where I go from here.”

-Nicki S.


“When I began coaching with Jane there was a lot of transition going on in my life. I was really trying to self-heal my anger issues and dysfunctional emotions like co-dependency, etc.  I was a little skeptical because I had never heard of this kind of coaching before.  After the first session, I cognitively began sorting out what I was feeling, how I wanted to feel and what dysfunction I wanted to stop. The biggest change I've seen is in my self confidence.  This was the best thing that has happened to me for my healing and I didn't even realize how much I needed it until I did it.

I feel more like myself. Working with Jane was life-changing, positive, and healing.”

Giovanna W.

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“I started a coaching series seeking to make a connection with my creativity, a need to try something different, to ignite a spark of my passions, to find some connection with myself, nature, others and to better understand myself. 

I also came into coaching seeking some form of approval or perfection (which I know is one of my struggles) and came to see I can find approval and satisfaction with my own progress and my own work in my own way. Through the coaching process I was reminded to be gentle and patient with myself. I am an ever-evolving work in progress. I feel like I am in the process of fully becoming me.”

-Barbara H.

Self-Belief is within your reach.

Once you make the choice to go after a dream, a purpose, your passion, the universe conspires to make it happen. Don’t wait for the perfect time or the perfect dream. Your path will unfold perfectly as soon as you start to walk it.

Doubt and fear have been keeping you in the waiting room of “one day”. Let me help you get past the doubt, the fear, the over-thinking and start taking steps (or leaps) forward with trust, support, and purpose.

Your Investment: $900

3 Month of coaching
1:1 Coaching calls every other week
Email and text coaching in between
Includes my internationally recognized Intuitive Sparks workbook & Cards
Recorded trainings

Are you ready to stop hiding?

Are you ready to start sharing your ideas and creations that are part of your soul’s purpose?